
Prime and palindrome

Write a program that output the biggest number below 1000 that is prime and palindrome.

You could test your solution on CodeEval, where this very simple problem is named Prime Palindrome.

Its cleanest solution would be, for instance in Python, something like that:
print 929
However, if you are answering this question on an interview, you'd probably better think to a less concise solution.

For instance you could write a for-loop like this (here I used C++, but you could easily adapt it to about any programming language):
for(int i = 989; i > 100; i -= 2) // 1
  if(isPalindrome(i) && isPrime(i)) // 2
    std::cout << i << std::endl;
1. I start looping from the highest available palindromic number, after 999 that is obviously not prime, down to 100, since it is easy to see that at least 101 is both a palindrome and prime, stepping by two, given that I don't want to check even numbers.
2. If the current number is both palindrome and prime, print it and break the loop.

Checking our number for its palindromicity is trivial. It is just a matter of comparing its first and last cipher.

A bit more interesting is the check on its primality, please follow the link to a previous post I have written on the matter. Here we could use an even simpler algorithm, since we know that our biggest number to check is less than 1000, still the structure of the algorithm stay the same.

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