
Fibonacci with ASIO

The Fibonacci function is commonly used for writing testing code, because it is conceptually easy without being fully uninteresting. In this blog I have already used it a couple of times, once when showing how to implement a C++11 lambda function, then as a mean to show where standard C++11 multithreading could come in handy.

Now I use Fibonacci to show a more sensible example of an ASIO multithread application.

In the previous post, we have seen how to explicitly run and stop the ASIO I/O service, here we'll rely on the fact that ASIO would automatically end the I/O service when it has no more work to do. The trick is to post all the tasks to the service before starting the working threads. When they will go out of jobs, ASIO will end.

The worker function is still the same simple call to run() on the I/O service, with some logging added for testing purpose:
void worker(ba::io_service& aios)
    dump("start worker");;
    dump("end worker");
Where I have defined ba to be a synonym for boost::asio.

Our main thread is about to post to ASIO as job a few call to this function:
void calculate(unsigned int input)
    dump("input", input);
    int result = fibonacci(input);
    dump("output", result);
Finally, it calls this recursive function, trivial implementation of Fibonacci:
unsigned int fibonacci(unsigned int n)
    if(n < 2)
        return n;
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
And here is the interesting part, where the main thread prepares the ASIO I/O service, spawns a few worker threads, and waits till the job is done:
ba::io_service aios; // 1

dump("starting up");, 35)); // 2, 30));, 20));, 10));

boost::thread_group threads;
for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) // 3
    threads.create_thread(std::bind(worker, std::ref(aios)));

dump("ready to join");
threads.join_all(); // 4
dump("job done");
1. No fake work is associated to the ASIO I/O service created here.
2. A few jobs are posted on the service.
3. A couple of threads are created on the worker function seen above. So, each thread calls run() on the service, signaling that it is available to process a pending job. ASIO will take care of assigning a new task to each thread, and when a thread finishes its work on a job, it assigns to it the next available one. And so on till there is nothing more to do.
4. The main thread waits here till all the worker threads are done, meaning, ASIO has assigned all the pending tasks to them, and they have completed each run.

The full source C++ code for this example is on github.

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